Sunday, June 6, 2010

Oh boy, it's really a boy! really???

It has only been 4 days since we got the news, but I really think I am still reeling. My heart is so focused on this baby's well being and health that maybe I am procrastinating the reality of a precious boy. When our specialist noticed it was a boy it was honestly a brief moment of celebration with another 30 minutes of looking intently on all of his little parts. She did a wonderful job of watching his heart in slow motion looking for any mark of possible defect, along with close analysis of other organs. This was an intense time, but also exactly what we wanted. Her report of him was all encouraging even mentioning how beautiful our baby looks. I am still striving to celebrate this boy despite all the pain and thoughts of worry that can so easily enter right in. All it takes is a thought and for me to jump on board. I am starting to see these thoughts coming and in God's grace trying to let these thoughts flow right past.

How in the world will a boy rock this girl world?? In every way I am sure. We have not a stitch of boy in this girl world. We have a well oiled system for how to handle a girl, so now lets put that aside and figure out boys! Wow, God is up to something. I cried at the end of our ultrasound. I felt thankful for our healthy boy, maybe even tears of being in awe of what God is up to. We love baby girls and even told our doctor we thought we didn't make boys. We would be just as excited to have a girl but a boy is very unexpected. I have been praying from the beginning of this pregnancy, that God would redeem this beyond my wildest imagination.. well I can say for sure that we are on a wild ride so thankful for this little unexpected blessing.

Great to share this news tonight while I feel precious kicks from my bucky boy. Oh and we are not even close with a name.. :)


  1. A boy! Let the fun really begin! All I know are boys. I can help you in any way. Just prepare yourself that boy express themselves physically (pushing, hitting) rather then yelling and whining. Not saying they don't yell and whine. It is just different. You will be a great mom to your boy!

  2. Amanda,
    First of all CONGRATS! I had no clue that #4 was on HIS way!! :) I am so excited for you guys. I also didn't know you had this blog! I can't wait to go back and read more and keep up with you. You always make me love Jesus even more. Thank you...

  3. A boy? Really? Wow, I am at a loss for words! :)

  4. Congrats!!! All I know are boys and I think they are pretty awesome! My big sis has 4 under the age of 6 and another boy on the way! :>) I(also heard they're easier to raise...) haha

  5. yeah for boys!!! I felt the exact same way when I found out that we are having a girl! What on earth do I do with a girl?! I don't know how to accessorize!! Congrats!

  6. Great blog. Congrats on the BOY!! Oh he will steal your heart!
